Go Fund Me Site for Doug Cavett for VT governor
Listed above are some better attempts of accessible links for "Our 2020-Vision Campaign." No longer am I using "https" addresses, and I have tried to spell it out as to what you are going to find. Learning how to do any of this is a challenge in and of itself, but being aware of the need to learn more accessibility techniques is a challenge I welcome. I will continue to try and improve these sites as I stumble my way to initially get it published in whatever way I can manage. I am very grateful to have learned of these needs as early on as I have.
It should be noted that the VTDOC outright refuses to make accommodations for anyone required to take the Risk Reduction Programming that allows Vermonters to come home to their families upon completion of this program. The bottom line is that many benefits of the program are denied to Vermonters with disabilities. As taxpayers, we pay approximately fifty lawyers in the Attorney General's office to protect the VTDOC in their outright violation of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973) and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. "Our 2020-Vision Campaign" disagrees with protecting this approach of a reduction of benefits as the accommodation allegedly made.
I have also witnessed people who are in the care and custody of VTDOC with mental health issues locked into segregation as an "accommodation" for their disabilities. I have witnessed retaliation and punishment as an answer to these same people trying to stand up for their rights as people with disabilities. Another common accommodation is to take the 504 status away once someone enters into VTDOC. There are enough contracted counselors, providers and other professionals that are willing to compromise their integrity in order to keep their lucrative salaries with the State of Vermont. If we can't comply with these laws in a real way, the politically correct legislature means nothing.
I know I have to learn more and I will.
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