Monday, April 1, 2019

Podcasting the Voices Nobody Hears!

I managed to get this first Podcast done for the most part. It isn't quite edited to 10 minutes, but it's close. I did get to have a great conversation with one of our fellow CCV students that happens to have a nice 4.0 GPA. I have a lot more to do but I am taking care of funeral arrangements and felt it was better to present what I am doing rather than worrying about finding more time in a week where it won't exist. Now, hopefully I will be able to get it into the blog.

I did compress the differences in the volume of the voices, but not enough so I will have to work on that aspect. I did edit out about 7 minutes, but I would like to have some good lead in and lead out aspects. Overall I am happy to have lined up several people interested in doing this project and hope to let people see the wonderful humanity being wasted in these terrorist-camps we call prisons.

I had some technical difficulty but I think it is up and running.            Podcast of the Voices Nobody Hears!!

I guess these attempts don't work, but I tried the Google Drive trick and we'll see if that works!   

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